Slice of life

Own day I went outside with my class to rate.It was fun specially the cold wind blowing on my face. I sat down I looked up and saw the leafs flying all around the sky.I stored to think I was getting worried then that salty tease started to cover my moth I comedown and tread to relax and thats wen it cashed my nose that smell of wet grass. then I herd the wen blowing on tree finally my teacher calls we are going inside! it was fun.


Dear  partners  : I reared  this book called Rio2 is about this family and there friends going to the jungle to find if there was more blue  macaws in the jungle . Then they found the others blue macaws  , Jewel found her family too! then they live with Jewels family.

my favorite part was when Jewel found her family .

I think that it was a good idea going to the jungle to find other blue macaws .


Dear Readers,

I read a book called Snakes!  It’s about what are snakes.  I learned that some snakes have up to 1,000 bones.  They can swallow a whole egg. Some snakes hibernate.

I really liked this book because it teaches me a lot of different things.  You decide!


Drawing Like Crazy
